Raquel Lubambo Ostrovski





Raquel is currently a Master/PhD student in Marine Sciences and works in between three different labs in the Red Sea Research Centre: IOP Lab led by Pr. Jones, Reef Ecology Lab led by M. Berumen and Ecological Oceanography Lab led by Pr. M. Fox. Her interest is in ecophysiology. She is looking at how the environment, both physical and biogeochemical, interacts with the physiology of whale sharks in the Red Sea, on both daily and monthly basis.

While there is a lot of research on their horizontal movement, research lacks in their vertical movement through the ocean’s levels - how they dive, if they follow plankton, if they dive to reproduce, how deep they go, when they go down and up. Understanding how whale sharks use their environment is important for their conservation and management around the world. 

 To do so, she collects in situ measurements (Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, etc.) and data on whale sharks’ nutrition, immunology, and reproduction and stress levels using non-invasive methods to not (or little) stress the animals.  While progress has been made, this is a very new research field, so the best data collection methods have yet to be developed. 

Research Interests

Shark ecology; movement ecology; physiology; reproduction; oceanography; elasmobranch research; nutritional physiology; vertical migration; horizontal migration; telemetry research; stress physiology

Selected Publications

Ostrovski et al. (2021). The media paradox: influence on human shark perceptions and potential conservation impacts. Ethnobiology and Conservation. 



Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bachelors in Biological Sciences - 2021

University of California Santa Cruz

Exchange program in Marine Biology - 2020

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

MS/PhD Student - Marine Sciences, 2022

Professional Profile

2016 - 2018: Internship at Molecular Microbial Ecology Laboratory (LEMM) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Coral research assistant

PI: Raquel Peixoto


2018: Internship at Marine Aquarium of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Marine animals management

PI: Raquel Peixoto

2018: Internship at Biological Reserve of Chico Mendes - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Wild animals management

2020: Research assistant at RC Lab - California, USA

Fish larvae development response to climate change conditions

PI: Mark Carr

2019 - 2021: Undergraduate research at Fishery Biology and Technology Laboratory - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ecosystem modelling and fisheries research

PI: Marcelo Vianna

2022 - present: Master student at Red Sea Research Center - KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Movement ecology of sharks throughout the Red Sea

PI: Burt Jones, Michael Berumen and Michael Fox

Research Interests Keywords

Shark ecology movement ecology physiology reproduction Oceanography elasmobranch research nutritional physiology vertical migration horizontal migration telemetry research stress physiology